US Adults Fare Poorly in a Study of Skills

American adults lag well behind their counterparts in most other developed countries in the mathematical and technical skills needed for a modern workplace.

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California driving Internet privacy policy

With the federal government and technology policy shut down in Washington, California is steaming ahead with a series of online privacy laws that will have broad implications for Internet companies and consumers.

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IT Spending to Reach $3.8 Trillion Next Year, as Billions of Things Get Connected

When you start adding up all the IT budgets of every company and government agency, you start talking about, as they say, real money. Here’s the figure: $3.8 trillion. That’s the new figure that research firm Gartner said global IT spending will reach in 2014.

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Think piracy is killing the music industry? This chart suggests otherwise.

For more than a decade, the recording industry has been complaining that online copyright infringement is devastating the music industry. And it's true that the revenues of conventional record labels have plunged in recent years. But if you look at the bigger picture, things don't look so grim.

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ITU: Mobile Broadband is Moving Up

The latest figures from the International Telecommunications Union buttress the Obama Administration's focus on wireless broadband deployment, with the number of worldwide mobile broadband subscriptions approaching 2 billion.

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DOJ Request Pushes Sinclair-Allbritton Close Date Into ‘14

Sinclair is now scheduled to close on its $985 million acquisition of Allbritton in 2014, the time frame pushed back following a "Second Request for information" from the Department of Justice, according to Sinclair and Allbritton.

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Justice Scalia uses the Internet. And he thinks you people on it are narcissists.

In a lengthy interview with New York Magazine, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he uses the Internet -- but doesn't seem particularly thrilled by what he sees.

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Black Americans find their voice on Twitter forums

Like most early Twitter users, many young black Americans initially took to microblogging to follow celebrities or send short, quick messages to friends on their phones, but the site has since grown to become an important forum to discuss broad issues around race in America.

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