Bringing Broadband Adoption to the Nation’s Underserved Populations

broadband-breakfastCheryl spoke on the Broadband Breakfast panel entitled: Bringing Broadband Adoption to the Nation’s Underserved Populations. Cheryl described the challenges with the current federal policy efforts to encourage high speed Internet broadband adoption by low-income communities.  She praised philanthropic efforts of the corporate sector, but explained they are no substitute for comprehensive federal policy.  

You can view the highlights (Cheryl appears at 5:44) or the full video (Cheryl’s key points appear at 33:00 and 57:00) (July 12, 2012).

Panel description:  The FCC’s National Broadband Plan identified three areas that need to be addressed to getting all Americans online: the cost of broadband, basic digital literacy skills and the relevance of content available over broadband transmission. All three were featured in the discussion at Tuesday’s event.  Learn more about the regular Broadband Breakfast Club series.